.. 推荐书单 FileName: index.rst Author: Fasion Chan Created: 2018-03-03 11:45:04 @contact: fasionchan@gmail.com @version: $Id$ Description: Changelog: Note: You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. meta:: :description lang=zh: 数据结构与算法学习推荐书单,涵盖基础理论与C、C++、Java、Javascript等语言描述。 :keywords: Data Structure, Algorithm, C++, Javascript, Python, 数据结构, 算法, 推荐书单 ======== 推荐书单 ======== .. figure:: /_images/appendices/recommended-books/9d86001ba8d64425e44fb1a40c95cce2.jpg :width: 160px :target: https://book.douban.com/subject/20432061/ *算法导论* 👉 `豆瓣 `__ C++ === .. figure:: /_images/appendices/recommended-books/86c9860fb895d6c391e461f975f60157.jpg :width: 160px :target: https://book.douban.com/subject/25956449/ *数据结构与算法分析(C++版)* 👉 `豆瓣 `__ 下一步 ====== .. include:: /_fragments/next-step-to-wechat-mp.rst .. include:: /_fragments/disqus.rst .. include:: /_fragments/wechat-reward.rst .. comments comment something out below